Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lamb Kebobs with home made African Flatbread

I am in an International Cuisine class at school right now which I am thoroughly enjoying!! So far we have made things I have heard of, well mostly, a few I haven't. I definitely have not made them!! Its all things that I would enjoy making, but either the ingredients are hard to come by or I don't have the time to go searching for them. On Thursday I made Lamb kebobs with onion and zucchini, and an African flatbread. I thought overall those things served together would be a bit dry so I made a sauce out of yogurt, cucumber, lemon juice, toasted and ground cumin seed, salt/pepper and dill. It all worked so well together!! The African flatbread was a very easy dough to make, it didn't take long either and turned out a beautiful color and had a great texture! I will be making this again at home for a BBQ or really any meal because I feel like it would go with a variety of foods. 

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