Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Super Mom or Mentally Ill?

Yesterday was the first day of the last term of school for me. 6 weeks from now I will be a college graduate. It feels damn good. A lot of things have happened that I have not blogged about, (hopefully you'll live) but I feel like if it was possible to have negative time to get things done that's what I would have. When I had my daughter I was in a class called Cuisines Across Cultures, pretty self explanatory what that's about. I was told to fill out a medical LOA (leave of absence) form and get a signed doctors note of when my expected due date is and that's all I'll need. The registrar decided to not tell me until after I had already had my baby and was trying to come back to school and get enrolled in the next term that my medical leave had been DENIED. Ya, my MATERNITY LEAVE WAS DENIED... Doesn't make sense right? Anyway, the only way to shorten this up is, I am contacting the corporate headquarters with a lawyer to at least get the F I received for missing the final and last two weeks of class wiped off my record so I can go back to a 3.8 GPA.. I mean being that the reason I missed was because I had and ENTIRE HUMAN come out of my body. OH and a sprained ankle is considered a medical leave of absence!! 
     So, enough about that. Two weeks ago I staged at L2o and was accepted!! Which is incredible! It's super long days, starting at noon and not being done until like 1:30 in the morning, but I love the structured discipline. I know being there for any amount of time will make me a better Chef and a better leader all the way around. On top of L2o I am still working at the small place in Wicker Park, and now going to school from 10 a.m-2:00 p.m and then back at 4:30 p.m-10:30 p.m to work in the restaurant on campus.
    I've been up since 6 today, I have fed Miss Fiona, changed and we played. She enjoys telling me about her day :) then I finished laundry and took a shower and now Miss Fi is napping and I'm getting ready for school and about to run to the bank... I hate missing the time that I do right now with her, but I want to be able to secure her future and the only way to do that is to be Super Mom or just plain Mentally Ill.  

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