Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Spice House, Old Town Oils and a nice Home Made Lunch

Today so far has been awesome. The weather once again was beautiful outside, which honestly I have noticed  makes my mood 10 times better. I went to the Spice House on Wells with my class today and it is actually the first time I have ever been. I'm kind of disappointed in myself that I have lived here this long and never been there. They had the doors open and just walking up you could smell a wonderful mix of spices, it made me contemplate filling out an application just so I could stand in there and breathe the air all day. I had no idea we were all going there as a class so I didn't have a lot of cash on me, but I feel like I made out like a bandit. I got a nice little box of Himalayan Pink Salt, which is awesome if you haven't tried it. (I'm a salt addict) And then some small bottles of: Calcium Salt, Sodium Alginate, Maltodextrin, Xantham Gum and Lecithin :) and I only spent $20. Not too shabby if you ask me. And I get to keep the ball rolling with the whole "trying new things" idea. It might not seem like a big deal, which it really isn't but I'm still excited none the less.

Two doors down is a place called Old Town Oils, which is another store that I can't believe I haven't been to. They had every flavor of EVOO that you could think of. They had a strawberry balsamic, peach balsamic and a white jalapeno balsamic that were seriously amazing. It was also a WONDERFUL place for awesome gifts. So, Mom, if you're reading this, just know that one day you will be getting a gift from Old Town Oils. :) I have the day off work today and I had groceries set to be delivered. I made myself a very late lunch after they got here. I had a delicious rice pilaf, some chicken tenderloins I baked with onion and garlic and some Bok Choy that I cooked in a onion, garlic, brown mustard, white wine sauce. It was delicious if I do say so myself. Now I am stuffed and sleepy and have nothing to do other than lay with my sweet puppies and relax. :) I love you Wednesday <3

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