Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2 Weeks Notice, Yolk and Fresh Farms International Market

Yesterday, March 19, 2012 I put in my two weeks notice at The Cheesecake Factory. This is very good news! I have worked there a year, it has been great experience but it's time to  move on. Yes, being pregnant had something to do with this decision, its very high volume and very fast paced and was starting to make my body just ache all over anytime I worked. Sooooo, point being, while I was in the office putting in my two weeks and talking with manager my phone was ringing in my pocket which I thought was probably just a friend not realizing I was at work. Come to find out after listening to my voice mail that it was The Signature Room on the 95th floor of the Hancock Building asking me to come and stage for them! Talk about another door opening up! :) I gave them my resume during a job fair that my school held a few weeks back and am very stoked that they are considering me for it.
  Today, my psychology class took a field trip to Yolk, which is a breakfast joint on Chicago & Wells. I have been to this place once before and it was awesome. A little fun fact about me, I LOVE EGGS BENEDICT. Hate making hollandaise, but love eggs  benedict! So, spoiler alert, I got the traditional Eggs Benedict. It was great, they serve it with roasted potatoes and fresh fruit, which I like having both. Having the sweetness of the fruit is really good with the salty potatoes and with that buttery richness that hollandaise has. Walking back from Yolk I stopped by a store on Chicago called Paper Source, which is a custom card and paper store along with lots of super cool, cute little journals and novelty gifts. I wound up buying the baby her first stuffed animal. Which I know is cheesy! I couldn't pass it up though, its a dog, a yellow lab to be exact and probably the softest thing I have ever felt! :)

  After school I went with my friend Maria to Fresh Farms International Market in Niles. I wanted to go and by some produce I am not familiar with working with, I bought Indian Bittermelon and Asian Bittermelon, along with Dragonfruit and Black Radishes. Radishes I'm familiar with but never actually made anything with Black Radishes. For those of you who haven't seen what an Indian Bittermelon looks like, look it up, it looks like some kind of alien pod! So neat! I'm looking forward to making myself a little "Chopped" basket and having fun working with some new things! I will post pictures and definitely be talking about the outcome of my ingredients. Fingers crossed it turns out great!  www.eatyolk.com   www.paper-source.com  www.myfreshfarms.com

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