Thursday, June 7, 2012


Tomorrow (well today, but after i wake up!) is going to be awesome for many reasons.. One, I get a massage. That alone would be reason enough for a t.g.i.f :) I also get to have lunch with my friend Lauren Vino who is in town visiting from New York. She is a wonderful female comedian and I love her dearly. If you are ever in New York, look for one of her shows, or keep your ears open in the Chicago area!! Then I get to open a savings account for my soon to be born daughter Fiona. I am so happy to be able to do that for her. Keep in mind it won't even have $100 in it but so what!! It feels like an accomplishment. Especially being that I haven't had one for myself in over 3 years. So sad. Anyway, then I get to go to work a lovely 6.5 hour shift and spend the rest of the evening with my loved one and dogs. :) two weeks til our daughter arrives, nerves are calmed and excitement and happiness has set in. :)

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