Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fiona's one month check-up, menu outline and budget forecasting

We'll see first of all if miss fi let's me be this productive! I can not believe this baby girl is a month old already! She had a doctors appointment today and weighs 9 pounds and 5 oz already! It's scary how fast time actually flies. It also makes me super aware of how much I need to get my ass in gear in order to provide the life I want for this little angel. I tell myself I'll do everything right... Realistically I'll make some mistakes, but I do know I'll do everything in my power not to. Point to that being, I need to get a menu nailed down for my food truck, a realistic one, and a master list of ingredients, who suppliers would be, costs, etc.. Then try to put together a somewhat close estimate of my start up costs would be so I can at least try to start a business plan... I need to apply for a SBA loan but need to see how far from my dream I really am. Stay tuned.