Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Baby's first herb garden

Fiona, my mom and I planted herbs on Mother's Day, German thyme, basil and rosemary. She loved that we let her help us plant them. She was interested in feeling each one and loved being able to touch the dirt. I think the dirt was her favorite part. It reminds me of the things I loved growing up and time spent with my mom in our garden. I remember pulling weeds with her, which was considered a chore but I loved it because of the dirt. I'm thankful for the fact that I have memories like that to begin with. I wish I never took them for granted during my teenage years, but I was a real idiot. I want to give Fiona as many memories like this as I possibly can, Chicago apartments with yards will be a top priority.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Home made pasta night!

Best pasta dough recipe ever!!'
1 3/4 cup AP flour
6 egg yolks
I whole egg
1 1/2 tbls EVOO
1 tbls milk

So perfect it makes me want to cry!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thomas Keller's pasta dough

By far the most beautiful dough I've ever made. His directions were spot on, easy to follow and just inspiring to read. It is the only recipe I will use for pasta dough from now on!

Seafood Salad

Made this little pretty for my mom last night! We only see each other once or twice a year, so when we do I like to give it all I got!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Chicago Nightingale

This genre of food is basically the food we like to eat, but better.
Our concept is to offer a one of a kind dining experience that is intimate and playful.
We will be offering a ten course menu of bold and imaginative food.
The menu will be ever changing and evolving, using whatever is freshest, in season and well, whatever we want.
Each night our guests will experience a wide variety of ingredients presented to them in a way they have not seen before.
We respect all of our guests so we will gladly serve a vegetarian.
Being vegan by choice on the other hand, is not allowed.
When we think of going out to eat, we want food that inspires us. We want to be in an environment that is exciting and different and yet as comfortable as home.
We offer this to you at Chicago Nightingale and welcome you to come and experience what we think fine dining should be.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Big Dreams

I have an overwhelming desire to start something of my own. Take a huge risk, make a huge investment and then work my fingers to the bone until I make it. I don't know what you are really supposed to accomplish in life but I feel at the very least it's to just accomplish something that you can be proud of. I want to make my daughter proud, I want to be able to give her everything I have planned for her and want her to be able to do whatever she wants with her life. I've never stopped working hard but I feel like i'm at a stand still currently, I'm not excelling and getting stronger. Just spinning in place.
Its time to make some big moves.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Estrella Negra

I had to write another post on this place!
I have now been to Estrella Negra 8 times. I went several times when I was pregnant, I took my mother there when she visited from Texas, went back with my boyfriend Brian and our Daughter Fiona when she was a newborn and my friend Sam and I just went last week with Fiona in tow.
The food as always was awesome. I get these black bean, goat cheese tostadas as an appetizer every time and I swear they are one of the best things ever and are just so simple and perfect.
I love the decor personally. It's day of the dead theme, cool painted tables, skulls and skeletons everywhere and a tattoo flash wall vibe that I love. Small seating space which to me makes it even better.
The staff is awesome also, so sweet to Fiona and just genuinely nice to us.
I give Estrella Negra a million stars ;) and I urge all you local chicagoans to make a trip to Western and Fullerton and visit Estrella Negra, they're a hidden gem making delicious food!!!